It was all
a dream.
It really did begin as a dream! Battle City Gym Cards and Collectibles opened its doors on September 6th, 2024, in the beautiful downtown area of Wilmington IL right off of the world renowned RTE 66. Lorne, Co-Owner of BCG, has always had the dream of owning his own card shop for as far back as he could remember. Jerry, Co-Owner of BCG, had a dream of owning a business where he could push himself to excel while also feeling appreciated for doing so. Move forward to 2022, Lorne hired Jerry as seasonal hire unknowing that it would set the course for the dream that both had.
Battle City Gym is a space for everyone! We are happy to be able to serve a community full of enthusiast across many planes. We offer a play space for TCG, tabletop, and video game players as well as anyone in between! We carry products in most gaming areas and are forever expanding. We hope you find as much joy in BCG as we do!
“Thank you for allowing us to do something we love” - Jerry & Lorne